Whooooooooo's Been Busy?

Oh my goodness...I love August! Although I hate to see the summer come closer to an end, there's something about that Back to School feeling that I love! It also gives me a serious creation bug and boy, have I been busy! I've got a to-do list a mile long, and I'm slowly checking things off. After teaching for 8 years, I have a lot of creations (tons and tons and tons), but now that I've discovered clip art, font, and borders, I feel that I MUST redo everything and make it much, much cuter!

I've mostly been creating items with my super cute owls. I am addicted to Pink Cat Studio and the awesome free owls that I got from Mrs. Dixon. I've been a creation stations. I've already shared some of these, but here's the entire collection that I've created in the last couple of weeks, along with my wonderful comments. Oh, and you know what? There will be more to come!

I've already got these up in my classroom, as you might have seen Genre Book Bucket Labels Owl Theme with Blue Border. I'm so in love with blue right now. I just find it so calming. I loved my polka dotted book labels that I made last year, but it was time for owl-ified change!

Here they are in action in my room:

Had to make some birthday certificates. Why not add some owls in this year? I printed 30 of them, them in a folder, and now I hope to be good to go for the entire year! 

You came, you downloaded, you gave feedback! The word on the TpT feedback street is that these posters are pretty awesome! I am ready to put them up above my board...perhaps that's a job for tomorrow! 

I love to encourage my students during big tests with little words of encouragement and a treat. I hope you'll enjoy the cheesy poems that I came up with for most of these! 

And, of course, there's always my back to school poem freebie! 

What's that? You'd like another freebie? Oh, ok! A colleague shared an awesome idea that she found when she was blog hopping. It's called the No Homework Binder and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! I've got a lot of homework motivators in my classroom, but I really like the idea of holding students accountable and having a document to use at conferences so I made one of these today. Find out all about it by hopping over to Jack of All Trades. I made an owl themed binder cover and tracking sheet to go with mine. Feel free to grab it by clicking the link below:

So if you were wondering what I've been up to this weekend, wonder no longer! I've got a lot of other great items in the works too. So many ideas, so little time! 



  1. WOW! You have been busy - I loved it when I first discovered clipart and borders too! Have a great time creating and take some time out for youself this month before school starts!

    Alison x

  2. I just wanted you to know I answered your questions for the Liebster Award :)
    ~ Kristin


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