Snowmen in Disguise Inference Activity

If you read my last post, you already know that I'm knee-deep in teaching the art of inferring and you already know that I love to use riddles to teach students the art of making an inference. What's better than using already created riddles to infer? Well, how about creating your own riddles? My students LOVE to create riddles, so a few years ago I created Wanted: Turkeys in Disguise Inference Activity. The next year, we covered making an inference in December so I created Undercover Santa Inference Activity. Last year, my students enjoyed Undercover Santa so much that I created Easter Bunny in Disguise Inference Activity. Well, this year, we shifted some of our pacing around and I found myself focusing on making an inference in January so turkeys and Santa were yesterday's news and no one is quite ready to be thinking of the Easter bunny (except Target, because they are always three holidays ahead of the rest of us), so I had to think of something new. Lucky for me, Monster Wrangler Mike, my go-to guy for disguise clip art had an adorable set of snowmen in disguise! And thus, Snowman in Disguise: The Case of the Missing Snowcakes Inference Activity was born. My students loved it, as always, and I really enjoyed their creations. For each of these, I write a background story that will hook my students, so that they have a reason to create a disguise. We read that together and then they do the rest during our reading rotations in an independent center. We start on Monday and their riddles and coloring are due on that Friday, which is when we do a gallery walk. We do two rounds, the first with just the riddles on their desks and their inference sheet in their hands to record their inference. Then, a second round with the pictures out for students to find out if they were able to correctly infer the disguise. They really have a blast with this and I believe that it really helps them to understand that process of reading text clues + schema = inference. Here's a look at some of their work, along with some super cheesy headlines, in true Mrs. O form! 

If you're interested in grabbing this for an engaging activity for your class, click on the picture below to see it in my TpT store. 

I'm hoping making an inference falls on yet another holiday next year! These are such a blast to create and use in my classroom!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I really loved creating them and the kids had such a great time creating and sharing them!


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